Tuesday, May 5, 2015


A lot of Companys and individual entrepreneurs haveDrone Business Ideas they would like to impliment, but most have been waiting for the FAA to come up with commercial Drone regulations before doing so, However it looks like that will change sooner rather than later.
You probably think “It’s the perfect time to start a drone business of my own and profit from the Air Drone Craze” with easy access to technology and the lack of much needed regulation, some owners think there for fun and profit, but the FAA until recently has said otherwise.
With all the talk about the huge market for Drones, the demand for people familiar with the technology and how to use it will stand to profit the most.
let’s take a look at some of the opportunity’s that the Air Drone Craze has in store for new jobs and businesses in the (hopefully) not to distant future.
Keep in mind its not going to be as simple as Buying a Dronebuy a drone and getting people to pay you for pictures and aerial video, you can be sure it will come with the normal government red tape.

First off, there’s training.
It appears those who decide to return to school and change there current occupation or career path will stand to profit the most with the high demand for not only drone operators, but mechanics, fabricators, engineers, sub control specialist and other UAV technology.
An industry commissioned study predicted more than 70,000 jobs would develop in the first three years after Congress loosens restrictions on U.S. air space. The same study projects an average salary range for a drone pilot between $50,000 to $120,000 per year working for government contractors.
Most of these jobs will be supplied by the big boys such as Boeing , Aerovironment, Aurora flight science, Cyber Aerospace, General Atomics, Honeywell, Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman.

Where to get a degree or UAV certification.
Obviously, the first choice for a potential Drone pilot education is to join the military, where you can learn to fly the larger predator type Drones among others.
Not interested in having “Uncle Sam” show you the ropes, no problem, there are a lot of colleges with aviation programs offering courses in unmanned aerial systems, and several universities have recently added majors.
Kansas State Universitythe University of North Dakota and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Universityare now offering degrees in piloting unmanned aircraft, dozens of other schools throughout the country have also decided to offer some courses in unmanned aircraft systems to help meet the expected demand.

Start your own Business
If your not interested in getting a degree for a big company job or joining the military, be an entrepreneur and look into starting your own UAV business, while the FAA is currently working on regulations for use of this technology in the commercial market, take this opportunity to start getting your Drone business plan together.
Like any business, it will take an investment of both time and money. For instance now would be a good time to get any training needed and start getting some hands-on experiance with a professional grade Drone. Check out my post on the Top 12 Non-Military Uses For Drones  for some interesting ways Drones are being used, maybe it will inspire you with a new drone business idea or perhaps you can scale down one of these uses to a more specialized level.
Talk with potential customers, like homeowners, local business owners and other drone operators right in your own community, get their feedback on your idea. Remember, It’s important to promote safe and ethical use of this technology in order to help change the public perception of drones. Get more information on how to receive CERTIFICATION at the Unmanned Vehicle University Drone Pilot Training program.
The university’s primary focus area is on Unmanned Air,
Ground and Sea Systems education and training.
They offer a Drone Pilot Training Certificate program.

The Certificate they offer is obtained by completing three phases.
The first phase starts at home.  Students complete what they refer to as the UVU Small UAV Ground School that provides a solid introductory understanding of drones and there components.
Second phase: using a RC Tech 6 CH Flight Simulator Remote Control.
The simulator consists of software and a controller that plugs into the computer´s USB port. After installing the software, students are able to fly different small UAVs from different sites. This hands-on experience prepares the students for flight with several real small UAVs during a three day flight training class, available in different locations across the United States.
Third phase and final phase: three days of basic flight training. Hands on training covering basic skills to fly both fixed-wing and vertical takeoff (quadcopter and helicopter) small UAVs. Propulsion systems, both electric and gas.

Let me say this now, I do not condon the use of drones for any unethical purpose or commercial use outside of current proposed FAA regulations, however I do believe in the entrepreneurial sprite that has built businesses and created jobs in this country.  New tools of technology will always present opportunities and challenges, let’s not let a few irresponsible individuals playing with their toys ground a whole industry before it literally has a chance to take off.
Here’s a few examples of possible Drone Businesses You Can Start:
  • photography: to include real estate, film-making, journalism, special occasions
  • Commercial Inspection Services ( bridges, Power lines, Pipelines, cell phone, antenna, communication and TV Towers and more)
  • Residential Home inspections (roofs, chimneys, siding, brick and exterior damage)
  • Hobby / Robotics parts (open a shop to sell parts to build and repair Drones)
  • Drone light and aerobatics shows or other events
  • Arial advertising
  • Delivery of small payload items (develope methods for delivery – e.g. drop, parachute, hoist)
  • Undercover work (Questionable, but needed service)
  • Programming/ Applications (people want a way to identify drone owners -create an APP)
While this is not a complete list , it will get you started in the right direction.

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