Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Progress in Civil Drone Law

Progress in Civil Drone Law

Occasionally, a considerate and attentive reader will ask me why some drone lawyers are quite bullish about the state of drone law while they perceive me as cautious.
Whenever you have two lawyers in one space, you will have three opinions. A litigator will consider the status at this very moment and develop a solution that gets you out of trouble. My focus is usually a contract or business relationship that needs to last a decade or three, if possible without running into cliffs that you can’t even see at this time. Different practice, different perspective.
A good while ago, I learned to fly upside down, aerobatics and such. You survive with cautious calculation even if spectacular maneouvers appear extrememly risky.
Your turn now. Today, the FAA released these UAS news: Good or bad?
These news follow the April 9, 2015 confirmation from the FAA that it has begun to apply the streamlined exemption process and the liberation of airspace below 200 feet, announced in March.
Consider also some FAA speeches on UAS at the The Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) Conference, announced today:

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